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North Carolina Beaches

Brenden and I have not gone to the beach in a few years but when we do go to the beach we always go to Florida beaches. This year, we got...

My Bullet Journal

I have always enjoyed keeping a journal. It's part of the reason I started blogging. My first blog was on Xanga where I just kept entries...

Two Down and a Lifetime to Go

Today is our two year wedding anniversary. Some days it feels like time is flying by and other days I feel like I am soaking up every...

Golfing for the First Time

I consider myself pretty athletic... in sports that do not involve a ball. Gymnastics, track, swimming etc. If I have to use hand-eye...

First Impressions are Everything

This little saying was never something I really paid much attention to or cared really anything about in my younger years. I remember my...

Sports as a Kid

Watching the Winter Olympics this month has had me thinking about the sports I played as a kid.  Sports were always a big part of my...

Celebrating Love with Your Love Language

February 10th is always a special day in our household. Brenden turns one year older and we celebrate (yes, even still) the day that...

Greenest Show on Grass

This past weekend I attended the Greenest Show on Grass. This was a bucket list item that was not even on my list. Scottsdale, Arizona is...

San Antonio Girls Trip

One of my favorite weekends of the year is Martin Luther King Jr weekend. For the last few years, I have had this Monday off and it is...

2018 New Year's Resolutions

As most of you know this is one of my favorite times of the year. The very start of a new year. After celebrating a birthday on New...

Recap of 2017

It's officially been two months since my last post and I apologize. I seem to do this every year during the last half of the year. Time...

Girls Weekend: Charleston Edition

Every year, my best friends from college and I pick a city we have never been to before. Our previous years have consisted of:...

Mean Girls

I used to LOVE the movie Mean Girls. Who wouldn't? Rachel McAdams was so great in this movie. She played the role of the queen bee like a...

Make Money a Priority

Do you remember the first time you got a paycheck? Not money from babysitting or helping fix someone's car but your first actual paycheck?...

Books & Brunch

When I was a little girl, I used to love to read. My mom would read us books. I would read books for Accelerated Reader (AR) points. You...

Best Practices for Public Transportation

Thank you to the crack head who started a fire under I-85. You have made morning commutes a dream for everyone involved. Before the...

March Madness

This is one of my favorite times of year. Do I watch basketball any other time of the year? No. But during March Madness I am devoted!...

Why I Live in Atlanta

In the recent months I have found myself defending why I live in Atlanta. I then think to myself... "Well, why do you live where you...

2017 New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! How did you ring in the new year? How did you spend the first day of the year? I always like to spend January 1st...

Recap of 2016

I fell off the wagon again with posting blog posts. I know you missed them... Just kidding! Overall, 2016 was a pretty good year for me....

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