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Mean Girls

Writer's picture: Kayla DonahueKayla Donahue

I used to LOVE the movie Mean Girls. Who wouldn't? Rachel McAdams was so great in this movie. She played the role of the queen bee like a rock star! And you probably laughed at this movie thinking the things that were happening were so dramatic. In reality, this is a very real scenario. Girls are mean. And viscous. But what's the point? Why would you be so mean?

High school for me was just like the movie. You would think being a cheerleader that those four years should have been my glory years. Heck no! The girls were just as real as the characters in Mean Girls. The school was very much clique related and I wanted nothing to do with it. Why can we not all be friends? I vowed to myself the day I graduated to never get caught up in that -ish again.

In college, I joined a sorority and automatically broke my vow because hello!! Sororities are cliques of girls divided by girls they get along with. Which means you have already secluded the girls who are not in your sorority. You do this by "interviewing" girls and then voting for girls to either be apart of your group or not. Just based on a conversation you had with a girl for maybe 5 minutes. Oh and of course if there are girls in other sororities who can spread gossip about you to ruin your reputation then there is that against you as well. But if you can find a group of rock solid girls within your large sorority that disagree with the whole idea of seclusion from other groups too then you have found your soul sisters. They kept/keep me grounded and we made/make sure we all had/have friends outside of our cliques. (Sorry for the back and forth of past/present but these girls still hold a huge impact in who I am today so I did not want to discount what they still do for me today!)

Then after college you think "ahh, the mean girls are gone. I can finally live up to my promise of never being around these mean girls for the rest of my life." BUT sadly, in your adult life these mean girls are still there. And all I say to myself is WHY!?! What is the point of these negative, rude comments? Why should we, as grown ass women, put other women down? Does it really make you feel that much better about yourself?

There is no point in being a mean girl. I say this from experience in being a mean girl myself and having been on the opposite end of having things said about me. There is no reason to be hurtful to another human. It takes more energy to hold a grudge on someone than it does to just be nice. Yes, we are all human and gossip and probably say things about people that we do not even realize would be hurtful but how rewarding is it to lift someone up, see the smile on their face and know you may (or may not) have made a difference in their day? So I send this charge out to you to just be nice. If you have something mean to say, just do not say anything at all. Love your neighbor! RANT OVER - THE END :)


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