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Celebrating Love with Your Love Language

Writer's picture: Kayla DonahueKayla Donahue

February 10th is always a special day in our household. Brenden turns one year older and we celebrate (yes, even still) the day that Brenden asked me to be his girlfriend. SEVEN years ago. We both woke up this past Saturday, me turning to him to say Happy Birthday and him turning to me to say Happy Anniversary.

I told him last year [and again this year] that we do not have to celebrate our dating anniversary now that we are married. This year he looked at me and said, "I will always celebrate that day." I asked, "Why?" He said, "because it was the first day that we officially became us."

Those sweet [serious] moments do not come often in our household. We are goofy and always messing with each other. I cherish these serious moments because they are so few and far between. And honestly I think I prefer it that way. If they came out all the time, would it not it feel like something you always expected to hear? Rather than least expecting those comments, receiving one and knowing your love is still as strong as it was when we were young and stupid in love?

I love the way our love has grown. Saying those three little words for the first time and thinking you could never love each other more to now where a simple act of folding and putting away the laundry means more in the day than hearing those three little words. We both quickly realized what our love languages were after we got married. Brenden's is definitely Acts of Service and mine is Quality Time with Acts of Service. So for Brenden's birthday this year he got a clean house with folded laundry, dishes put away, and clean puppies! And for our anniversary I got a night at home with my favorite food... pizza!

Love is celebrated in many different ways because people love in many different ways. It is so important you find out what your partners love language is so you can express it in a way that they feel and understand it. What is your love language? How do you and your significant other celebrate your love for each other?

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