This little saying was never something I really paid much attention to or cared really anything about in my younger years. I remember my Mom getting mad at me because I would wear the same hoodie to high school for a week straight. And go to my college classes in a huge t-shirt and Nike shorts that you could barely see under my shirt. My thought was who really cares. It is not like I am really going to see anyone. When in actuality I was seeing everyone. Or everyone was seeing me even if I did not really see them.
People are always looking at you whether you realize it or not. And your outward appearance says a lot about who you are as a person without anyone even speaking to you. This thought never crossed my mind until I started applying for jobs. Why was it necessary that I wear my finest black suit?
I have friends who are always dressed to impress. I used to think "Why?" all the time. But in my adult life I have started to take this little saying much more to heart. As an adult, really the only thing you get is that first impact. How are you represented on the outside? Adults are much more quickly to judge than kids. And most of the time you don't get more than a quick conversation.
So I write all this to say that today is Professional Head Shot Day at work. This is the picture that gets sent with every email I send out and is my first impression on most of my clients. It is important that picture represents who I am. So what do you think....
