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2017 New Year Resolutions

Writer's picture: Kayla DonahueKayla Donahue

Happy New Year! How did you ring in the new year? How did you spend the first day of the year? I always like to spend January 1st planning for the year. Are you surprised? If you know me at all, probably not. I am constantly planning my life. Yes, my life falls off the plan all the time but I still think making plans helps prepare you for those times when life does not go according to your plan.

On Monday, I sat down and wrote my New Year's Resolutions for the year. Brenden and I also did joint resolutions! This is one tradition I hope we can keep. New Year's Resolutions is one of those things not many people find beneficial. It is one thing that gets laughed at and joked about all the time. But I find them helpful because I'm such a planner. It's nice to look back at the end of the year and see those items you marked off your "to do" list and see the ones you might have missed. And then understand why you missed them. Maybe it was just a far stretched dream or maybe you put it on the back burner and did not give it the focus it needed.

These resolutions give me something to strive for each year. They give me goals to reach for and purpose. This year, I made my resolutions around my new blog theme: The Fundamentals of Life. Which in my life seem to be all F's (haha)

Food: This year I want to tailor my diet. I talk about this a lot. Nutrition is one of my weakest areas. I still feel like I can eat like a kid and maintain a "healthy" body. In reality, I am putting these horrible things in my body and not giving it the fuel it needs to keep me alive. This year I'm focusing on macros. I'm learning everything I can about them and what my body needs. My hope is this blog will keep me accountable and I'll be able to keep you posted throughout the year on my progress.

Family and Friends: It goes without saying my family and friends are my rocks. Without them I would just float away. Sadly, this past year, I did a terrible job on communicating with them. I became so focused on myself and my time that I rarely picked up the phone. I am setting weekly calls to family and friends. I know if I do not make this effort, I will regret it in the long run. One day they will not be here and I do not want to miss the time I have now.

Faith: Last year, I made a resolution to attend RICA classes and I never did. I am not letting this slip away this year. My resolution is to attend church on Sunday's, do a daily devotional, and recommit my relationship with God.

Finances: Growing up is hard to do! Making your money do what you want it to do is important and should be a huge focus. Brenden and I have added this one to our joint resolution list. We are committed to having budget meetings and continuously talking about our money with each other. Before we got married, money was one of those topics we never brought up. It is always one of those conversations we tried to avoid. Last year when we were preparing for our marriage, we took the Financial Peace University class by Dave Ramsey. It was a huge hurdle to get over together but in the end we realized we are on the same page.

Fitness: Every year I always have a fitness related resolution. This year is easy: keep working out! There are always those weeks where you just do not feel like working out. You have to push through and keep showing up. This year I'm adding in the dogs exercise! They get a lot of play time but not enough exercise. They need to be walked and/or ran every day. Just like a human. Even if it is just down the street. They are getting their daily exercise in 2017.

Fun: While all of these resolutions are going on, I hope to continue to have fun! But more importantly, I hope to have fun with my husband. Technology has a huge impact on our relationship. We both get home from work and we are immediately on our phones and then eat dinner right in front of the television. Then after dinner we head straight to bed where we have a TV that completely distracts us and our phones that we are constantly on before we go to sleep. No fun! It's time for a change. In the car together, sitting on the couch together, having dinner together, technology will be limited. We will start to enjoy each others company more.

Well, I am not surprised. It is a lengthy list again. While the list is long the resolutions are all attainable. Maybe not all are measurable but they have an objective. Which makes them a S.M.A.R.T. goal. You have heard me preach on S.M.A.R.T. so I will not go into this again :)

What are your new year resolutions? Let me know in the comments below! Let's keep each other accountable and kick off the new year with a drive!




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