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Savage Race Atlanta

You may have heard of these mud races everyone has been doing. There are the Warrior Dashes, the Tough Mudders and one that I did this...

Long Workouts vs. Short Workouts

How long should you workout in order to get the most out of your workout? This is a debate for the ages. And both have huge benefits!...

RP Diet - Round 1

From April 1st through May 31st, I went on a journey to lose weight... or at least that's what I thought. I have blogged a number of...

North Carolina Beaches

Brenden and I have not gone to the beach in a few years but when we do go to the beach we always go to Florida beaches. This year, we got...

A Letter From a Coach to Participants

When you signed up for your "avenue" of fitness or a class that you just wanted to learn something from, did you hope that the...

2 Years and Getting Stronger

Two years ago, I started something that I never thought I would do. I joined CrossFit. My first workout was a partner WOD (aka...

Nutrition Challenge 2017

It is a new year and a chance to start a new diet! Yes, we all do it. Kick off the new year with this fancy new "diet" and say we are...

Let's Catch Up

It's been almost two months since my last post and I have been busy traveling, traveling and more traveling. Let's recap what has been...

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