This was my second year competing in the CrossFit Open. Let's use the word "compete" in a loose term this year. If you do not know what the Open is, it is the first stage of competition for athletes to make it to the Games. You can read more about the stages of competition here. All in all, I am not trying to make it to Regionals or the Games for that matter, soo I was competing more against myself this year.
Last year, I loved the Open! I learned so much about myself and my body. This year I felt crushed. Here are the five things I took away from these last five weeks of competition:
1. Expect the unexpected. The point of CrossFit is to be trained to endure anything. Even what you will least expect. Even when given clues about what the workout MAY be or MAY include you have to spend time training with the unexpected. I will repeat this at least 100 more times during this post... I am NOT trying to go to Regionals or the Games but in order for my body to be ready for anything, I need to train with anything and everything. This past year, I sat for my Level 1 (or L1) the first thing they tell you is CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. It finally all made sense why we do the crazy things we do in CrossFit and why we train with so many different pieces of equpiment.
2. Breakthroughs are why I love fitness so much. Watching someone get their first muscle up sends chills up my spine. Seeing people hit a weight they never thought they could lift is remarkable. My breakthrough happened in 17.3 this year. I knew I could not do the Rx'd version of this workout so I decided to do the scaled version just to see if I could hit a PR on my snatch. After about 18 minutes of work, I hit a 95 lb. snatch and then did it 4 more times! Needless to say, I think my PR may be a little more than 95 lb. :) It may be time for a retest.
3. Repeats are a great way to test your fitness. 17.4 was a repeat of 16.4. I remember doing this workout last year never having used a 14 lb. wall ball nor could I do a handstand push-up. This year I was excited because I had been practicing all year with the 14 lb. wall ball AND I could do a handstand push-up this year. While I still did not make it to the handstand push-ups (whomp whomp!) I was able to deadlift 155 lb. 55 times with much more ease than last year. And I was able to get farther on the rower than last year. I'll repeat...repeats are a great way to test your fitness!
4. The Open is a mental test as much as it is a physical test. The second you start to doubt yourself is the second you will fail yourself. I spent majority of 17.5 telling myself I can't. Those two little words "I CAN'T" are poison in a competition like the Open. Last year I was not able to do double-unders. Actually two months ago, I could not have done two double-unders in a row. Surprisingly my double-unders were on point BUT my mental game was off. I got in my head and could not get out of my own way. Thrusters are terrible at any weight but 65 lb. is doable. Granted the rep scheme was a lot and 10 rounds of anything can feel like torture but it was doable. However, I could not get out of my own way causing me to barely finish this WOD. Oh well, I guess there is always chance for a retest...
5. CrossFit is about bettering yourself and encouraging others. At my level of CrossFit, (I will say it one more time), I will not be going to Regionals or winning the Games. It is just not going to happen. The Open is a time to test your fitness and see where you fall with the rest of the world and even in your own gym. You may not always like the outcome but there should never be a moment where you would wish someone would do badly just because you didn't do your best. Yes, we all love a little friendly competition but to be so self consumed with your outcome that you cannot cheer other people on in their moments of glory (or suffering) then you have lost sight of what CrossFit is about. Better yourself in your fitness abilities and cheer others on in their fitness journey. As I write this, I start to realize the 2017 Open was not as bad as my mind and body want to believe that it was. My body was definitely not where I would have wanted it physically but I have come so far from 2016 that I have to be proud of that. Saturdays at the gym are one of my favorite days of the week especially during the Open. These are the days you get to see what your community is really about. You get to watch the people who put in so much work over the last year really shine. It is the time you realize you may have a few more weaknesses than you thought. But it is also the time that motivates you to kick it into high gear. Here is to the next training season and preparing for the 2018 Open!