How long should you workout in order to get the most out of your workout? This is a debate for the ages. And both have huge benefits! But who has time for really long workouts? But then if you are only doing short workouts, how does your body respond when it needs to be under tension for long periods of time? Let's dive into the pros and cons of both.
Long Workout: Pros
There are definitely not as many pros to a long workout versus a short workout. But the biggest pro is that your body knows how to react when it needs to be under tension for a long period of time. You are able to stay active for longer periods of time because your body knows what to do. And you can burn a hell-of-a-lot of calories during these long drawn out workouts.

Long Workout: Cons
First and foremost, they take a LONG time. Who has the time anymore for workouts that last longer than an hour? Hardly anyone! That's why marathons, triathlons, century rides and Ironman's are so fascinating to watch because the dedication these athletes put into getting conditioned for these races are extreme!
Short Workout: Pros
You can burn the same (if not more) in a short workout as you can in a long workout! So why do a workout that takes so much longer when you can do the same amount of work in a shorter amount of time. Sign me up!

Short Workout: Cons
The only real con I feel about short workouts is that you really just do not get the time under tension that your body needs to adapt to harder and longer workouts. But if I can commit yourself to work your ass off in the shorter workout like you would over the course of an hour plus workout, then you are still getting that time under tension.
Overall, why work harder when you can work smarter? I love a quick workout that does the same thing for me that a long workout does. I think that is why I enjoy CrossFit so much because the workouts are all (for the most part) under an hour and they can keep my energy up for a shorter period of time. During my days of marathon training, I could keep the same slow boring pace for three plus hours and by the end of the workout be sweating the same amount that I did during a HIIT workout.
Which do you prefer? Do you have a preference? How do you think about a short vs. a long workout in your mind? Both have huge benefits and can help make a lasting impact on your overall fitness.