Today marks one month I have been on a new diet. Yes, you have seen me go on hundreds of diets! BUT this is the first one I have been on that I have actually enjoyed. The diet is called RP or Renaissance Periodization. This diet is built around when you workout and how to fuel your body rather than just eating because you are bored. I will not go into all the details of the diet because they do make money off keeping those templates a secret until you purchase... AND everyone's template is slightly different. But I will give you my results so far....

Okay so these are just the number results but I am saving my progress pictures until the end of this "journey" because I am still not completely satisfied with the look. Starting this diet, I said I wanted to lose twenty pounds. That is ambitious because I have not been below 130 lbs. since before I graduated college.
Besides the numbers, this diet has effected me in a number of ways. The first thing I have noticed is that I am not tired. I am not crashing in the afternoons. I am not taking naps on the weekends. I am tired when I get ready for bed but no midday slumps. This was a HUGE problem of mine beforehand. Never fail I needed sugar or coffee to get me through the rest of the day and most of the time that involved getting cookies or cookies and coffee if the day was really bad.
The second thing that I have noticed is my digestion has improved tremendously! I am actually fueling my body with ingredients it needs to survive rather than feeding my body toxins that my body cannot process. AND I am never hungry. I have 4-5 meals daily and usually when it is my next "feeding time" I am still completely satisfied from my previous meal that I will post pone for another 20-30 minutes and then eat if I start to get hungry. I hope you read never hungry and then went back to look at my results... I have lost 6 pounds in four weeks and have yet to starve. That is a diet you want to be a part of my friends!
Lastly, my sugar craving is [almost] gone completely! I say almost because I really do not crave sugary items like I used to. Yes, if they are around it is something I would love to have but not something that I feel I need. I will say I am indulging in a daily Diet Coke and I certainly think that has fulfilled the sugar craving. And having a sweeter whey protein drink, casein protein at night and fruit for breakfast has allowed me to still get sugar but in a more natural form.
These three differences have FINALLY helped me see food for what it is... FUEL! It has given me a new perspective to not just eat because I feel like it but because my body requires a certain amount of protein, carbs, and fat on a daily basis. Yes, I love a good pasta dish, pizza and dessert but I am able to have these in moderation and most of the time when I do indulge in these treats, they are so decadent I cannot finish it all.
After staring at these amazing transformations on RP's Instagram (@RPStrength) for almost a year, I am so glad I decided to try it out. I am even more thankful I have friends who are crazy enough to do this with me and keep me accountable and motivated to stick with it. We are constantly trading recipes and secrets to help us get to the recommended meal combinations. I am still right in the middle of the transformation so I cannot wait to update you on the results and hopefully with some badass transformation pictures!