For the last couple of days, I have been thinking about my relationship with food. And then I got on my train for my morning commute and one of my weekly podcasts had the title "Healing your relationship with food." I immediately thought WOW. This came just at the right time. As I listened to the host speak on tips of how to make your view of food and the process of selecting food better, I began to realize that I have a problem. I am a food addict.
Thankfully, I have very good genes and my body has treated me well up into this point in my life. And my excuse for eating the way I do is always coupled with the excuse "I workout to eat." But I cannot continue to fill my body with garbage and expect it to keep up with me the way it did when I was in my young twenties. And then I thought, if I cannot take care of my self, how am I supposed to take care of a kid one day?

So my thought process continued... How do you break the cycle of eating crap and turn your bad habits into good habits? And then how do I turn my relationship with food into a relationship that benefits my body? My answer: to make the decision from within that I will no longer allow myself the opportunities to put that stuff into my body. I must get rid of all the temptations I have sitting on my pantry shelves and in my freezer. But I must also think more highly of myself.
I have always believed that I was meant to be right in the middle of the pack. I was never meant to be the best. I was never meant to outshine the rest. But to live life in a way that allowed me to accomplish things but not overly excel. So changing my mindset to believe that I am meant to shine. I am meant to live a life that allows me to dream and accomplish those dreams! I am worth putting effort and time into.
So today, I make a proclamation that I will treat my body with respect. I will choose to have a healthy relationship with food and maybe one day live by the 80/20 rule. But today, I will live 100% for me. Fully committed to getting myself help and understand my addiction to the poison that surrounds me. I will break this food addiction one way or another.