Dog rescue is one of those things that has always weighed heavy on my heart. I have always wanted to do something but could never find the right way (if there is a right way). Four years ago, I rescued my first dog Turner from the Atlanta Humane Society. We had just moved to Atlanta where I was working from home and did not know many people. It is definitely true when you hear people say the dog rescued them. She saved me that first year!
A few years later, we moved into our new house with a yard and thought it was time to find Turner a playmate. Brenden too has a heavy heart for animal rescue and he fell in love with this cute little pit mix from the Atlanta Humane Society. Both of our rescue dogs were older; at least 6 months old. Even though 6 months does not constitute a dog being an adult, they were too big for the pens in the "puppy" room and because of that moved into the big crates. (Although we think Wrigley probably got put in there early because she likes to jump out of playpens.) I always felt like everyone wants a puppy so we needed to take a dog from the "adult" dog room.
Then I discovered Bosley's Place. This organization takes in orphaned puppies that are days old. They nurse them back to health and when they are of age to be adopted, Bosley's Place has fosters until they are adopted out. I knew immediately I wanted to do something to help. So I went online to fill out my volunteer application. This people are very special to devote their whole lives to these babies.
Of course you all know the story of how I became a foster mom. I was smitten with Gibson the first time I met him. He was so cute I just knew he would get adopted fairly quickly. It has now been a month since we have been fostering and we are soo attached. Our routine has gotten into place, Turner has started to love on him and Wrigley and Gibson are joined at the hip. When Turner and Wrigley get to playing, Gibson just barks at them because he so badly wants to be apart of their pack.
For the last four weeks, I have driven him to his adoption events every Saturday and Sunday. Each weekend he rides in my lap and nussles his head against my shoulder. It is if he was telling me, "I don't know why you are taking me to these events. I have already found my home with you." Each time I drop him off and think, what if he gets adopted today? Will I be okay with it?
Last weekend, he had a potential adopter. He was out on a walk with this potential new family and their cute dog. He was acting so strange and had no interest in playing with their dog or showing these people any kind of affection. I thought that is so weird because he wants to be apart of EVERYTHING. After the couple tried everything to get Gibson to pay attention to them, they eventually had to leave. Gibson was put back in the play pen with the other pups. Afterwards, I went to pet him over the fence and there was my sweet buddy. He was licking my arms, jumping on the pen and letting me know he only had eyes for me.

Everyone already knew we were going to keep him. I think it just took me having this moment with him to realize he was and is a part of our pack. We are officially FF's. What is FF you may ask... Failed Foster.
Kayla Donahue