I am a planner. I love structure. I love knowing what to expect. I am Type A... Obviously! For as long as I can remember, I have lived my life by resolutions. Setting goals for the year and using that as my guide for the year. As I start to get older, I am starting to look further out than just one year. Some would argue this is a recipe for disaster and some would say good for you for planning your future.
When you were a kid, what was the one question adults would ask you... "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Right? This was the golden question. Now that we are adults and we are [hopefully] doing what we wanted to do when we were kids, what is next? What is that golden question now? Well after you get married, it's usually... "When are you having kids?"
Oh boy... that age old question. Thankfully, most of the people in my life know that kids are probably the last thing on our minds but I will say after our nephew was born and we got to snuggle and love on him this year, it definitely made me rethink my "I am never having kids!" statement. BUT it is still FAR AWAY!

So when you think of your five year plan... what is in it? Is it kids? Is it buying a house? Is it getting that dream job you said you would have when you were a kid but still do not have? If you are single, you have the great pleasure of making a plan that is all about you. Put some dreams on there you may not have ever really thought could be an option. You never know where those short term goals (aka New Year's Resolutions) could take you! If you are married, you have to make a plan that includes the other person in your relationship. If you do not, in five years, you may find yourself in a divorce.
I won't tell you what is in our five year plan but I will tell you, it gets adjusted often. Goals you had 5 years ago, may not be goals you want or need in your life in the future. Know that this plan is flexible. It is your plan!! Boy does that defeat the purpose of structure and knowing what to expect... Well, that is life!
Enjoy your life to the fullest and know that having a plan is okay. Don't get so stuck on following the plan but have a loose plan that can guide you to that "What do you want to be when you grow up?" goal!