Alright friends, family and followers, it is time for a "realstagram" or "real story"... Meaning here is the cold hard facts and truth about what is going on with me at this very point in time. It is easy to get caught up in productions of blogs and social posts. People like to hide and not really let you know what is going on but what is the point in that? If we cannot be honest with each other, this world is doomed for failure. Let's show the world what is really going on instead of hiding behind a keyboard/phone.

The truth is I have fallen off my fitness/health goals hard and fast. Mainly in the food arena but also in my workout regimen. In the last year and a half, I have gained roughly twenty pounds. I tried to trick myself into thinking oh well some of it is muscle. Yes, maybe. But not twenty pounds worth. If I had gained twenty pounds of muscle, I would look like a body builder. Also, for you kind, nice people out there who say, "You look good! I wish I could have your abs, butt, legs, etc." I really appreciate your kindness and I understand we all want we do not have. But for someone like myself, I need that tough love and I hope you realize I am not trying to be "one of those girls." I know not to be so hard on myself and starve myself or do something really dramatic but you know sometimes you just need a swift kick in the rear.
I am thankful to have a husband who is really supportive and pushes me in every aspect of my life but in relation to this post my fitness goals. If I miss more than a few days from the gym, he will kindly ask, "is everything okay?" And that is exactly why I married him. I need someone who is going to push me to be better than I was the day before. I have to have that someone to keep me accountable and someone who will give me that "tough love" to help me reach my goals. Otherwise, I will feed in to the soft, sweet love and not do anything and next thing you know I have gained fifty pounds. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
The great thing is I realize that my body is going through changes. I am slowly creeping into my late twenties and my body is no longer like it was back in college or even high school for that matter. I cannot eat like I used to eat. In the last year, it has become a running joke that I can "eat whatever I want and stay the same size" OR "eat all the carbs." And thank goodness my clothes have some how adapted to these extra pounds or maybe my clothes were just that loose that they all now fit tighter. Either way, I know my body so well that in the last six months, my body is not allowing me to eat like that any longer. I am now being held responsible for the junk I put into my body. And truth be told, I can feel it. When I eat like crap or just plain eat what I want to eat, my body tells me to stop. I have just been the stubborn one to ignore my body telling me no.
So I write again to tell you I am back on my fitness/healthy food kick. And like I have preached and preached and preached, I am setting S.M.A.R.T. goals. Here are my specific, measurable, attainable, results driven, and time bound. By the end of the year, I would like to have ten of the twenty pounds off. I will add running to my workout regimen 3 days a week and this will also provide some energy release for my pups! My food and workouts are being entered daily in MyFitnessPal. Follow along with me and help keep me accountable. I know I do better when I have set goals and people watching so here is to the next four months. Thanks for helping me without even realizing you are helping me.